Concerned about the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants, Delta trailers is committed to various associations in France and around the world.
“Founded by Coluche in 1985, […] “les Restaurants du Cœur” aim to “help and provide voluntary assistance to the destitute, particularly in the area of food through access to free meals, and by participating in their social and economic integration, as well as in any action against poverty in all its forms.”
“SOS Children’s Villages campaigns on a daily basis for the protection of children’s rights as fundamental rights, in accordance with the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
“For over 50 years, the Fondation de France’s mission has been to support all those who wish to act in the general interest. The Fondation de France is the leading network of generosity in France and is involved in all areas of public interest: medical research, aid for the elderly, environmental protection, the fight against poverty, etc.”
“Created in 1987 and recognised as a public utility on 11 February 1992, the Fondation Abbé Pierre is a member of the Comité de la Charte du Don en Confiance. It works to enable all disadvantaged people to have access to decent housing and a dignified life.
“SOS MEDITERRANEE is an association independent of any political party and of any religion, which is based on the respect of man and his dignity, whatever his nationality, origin, social, religious, political or ethnic affiliation.
“The association coeur du Monde carries out humanitarian actions to support the most disadvantaged in terms of education, food, health and training. It works mainly in Senegal, Madagascar and Haiti.”
“CAMELEON is an international solidarity association founded in 1997. It develops a global approach to act on the causes and effects of sexual violence against children and adolescents.
“It is an association under the French law of 1901 which develops an original model of commitment, allowing everyone to act concretely for man in his environment, on projects created and managed in partnership by and with the local populations.
“The sea cleaners is now fighting on all fronts to reduce marine plastic pollution: awareness raising and prevention, dissemination of scientific knowledge, transition to the circular economy, cleaning up waste on land and at sea.”